شركة أولياترا للصناعة

Information about polyethylene films

oliatra for industry

Polyethylene films come in different forms. They can be made in different colors or be transparent. in addition to, Comes in different thicknesses. The thicker the virgin film, It was stronger. The film becomes thicker as the number of microns increases. The three most common types of polyethylene are: Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE):  It is commonly used to manufacture plastic […]

Properties and uses of polyethylene film

خصائص واستخدامات فيلم البولي ايثيلين

The properties and uses of polyethylene film we will learn about in detail, Polyethylene is a type of healthy plastic that is used in many different products around the world. Because many people may not know enough information about it and its uses and features, So follow us to know the details. What is polyethylene? […]

Oleatra Industrial Company

شركة أولياترا للصناعة هي واحدة من أكبر منتجي زيت وكسب بذور الكتان في مصر، تنتج هذه الشركة أفضل زيت بذر كتان ونعتمد على ماكينات ومعدات حديثة تقوم بعصر الزيت على السخن والبارد لاستخلاص افضل زيت بذر كتان، ليس هذا فقط، بل أننا نقدم لكم العديد من المنتجات المتميزة الأخرى، تابعنا لكي تعرف تفاصيل أكثر عن شركة أولياترا.

Oleatra Industry Company is one of the largest producers of flaxseed oil and meal in Egypt. This company produces the best linseed oil and we rely on modern machines and equipment that press the oil both hot and cold to extract the best linseed oil. not only this, We even offer you many other distinguished […]

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