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The benefits of banana storage bags that many farmers may not know about, Banana fruit is one of the fruits that needs high temperature for 8 months in order for the crop to fully grow. Due to the extreme cold weather in the winter and the difficulty of providing a suitable environment for the banana crop, Therefore, certain bags are relied upon to preserve bananas. These bags have many benefits, Follow us to know the details about Oleatra Company .

Benefits of banana storage bags

Many farmers resort to storing bananas in bags because of their many benefits, including:

Increase plant weight

Banana preservation bags help increase the weight of the banana crop by 10%. Because these bags retain the internal moisture of the banana and ensure healthy growth of the banana.

Increase early ripening of bananas

Banana preservation bags help improve the early ripening rate of the plant by 15 grams per day. It maintains the temperature necessary for the banana plant to grow and helps bananas grow faster.

The faster the bananas ripen, the more this helps increase productivity and improve the quality of the crop, thus achieving greater gains.

Provide a uniform size for each banana

Preserving bananas in bags ensures homogeneity and symmetry between the banana fruits and each other. It maintains the quality of production.

The importance of covering bananas with banana bags

Many farmers resort to covering banana crops with polyethylene bags. This is because the benefits of banana storage bags are to protect bananas from the effects of various weather factors.

  • The width of the banana bag is about 70 cm. Its length is 1 meter.
  • Banana bags are open at both ends to improve ventilation of the bananas.
  • Or it may have perforations to allow air to enter the bananas.

How to store bananas in the refrigerator

Every woman who wants to store and keep bananas in the refrigerator should do the following:

  • Bananas are wrapped in cellophane and placed in the refrigerator.
  • It should be noted that banana peel may turn black when placed in the refrigerator. But the banana will not be affected and its taste will not change.
  • It is recommended to take the bananas out of the refrigerator a few hours before eating them so that the bananas are at normal room temperature.
  • Bananas are only kept in the refrigerator for 7 days.

How long do bananas keep in the freezer?

The period during which bananas are preserved in the freezer is up to 8 months. But bananas must be preserved in the correct way, which is as follows:

  • The banana peel is removed first.
  • Cut the banana into slices.
  • Add a little lemon juice to it, Because lemon is considered a preservative.
  • Place bananas in airtight containers and place them in the freezer.
  • Or you can put a few bananas in sealed bags, empty the bag of air, and keep them in the freezer.

Learn about… Oleatra Industrial Company

How to store bananas outside the refrigerator

In addition to learning about the benefits of banana storage bags, many housewives want to know the correct way to store bananas outside the refrigerator so that the bananas do not spoil.

  • When buying bananas, it is recommended to buy green or yellowish-green bananas so that the bananas are not fully ripe.
  • If the banana is green, placing it at normal room temperature is enough for the banana to ripen in a few days.
  • Whenever the banana is firm and there are no spots on its outer peel, The longer it will last when kept.
  • It is recommended not to expose bananas to direct sunlight or high temperature. Therefore, it is not preferable to put it in the kitchen.
  • The best place for keeping bananas at home is a well-ventilated and cool place.

How to preserve bananas in tinfoil

One of the ways in which bananas are preserved is using tin foil.

  • Bananas are wrapped well in foil on all sides.
  • Place the bananas in the refrigerator until use.

How to save bananas from blackening

Among the methods that help keep bananas from blackening are the following:

  • Bananas are separated from each other.
  • We wrap each banana separately in a plastic bag.
  • We wrap it in another plastic bag.
  • Place the bananas in the refrigerator until use.

In conclusion, after learning about the benefits of banana preservation bags to obtain good production, We have also learned about home methods by which women can keep bananas in the refrigerator or freezer to preserve them for a longer period of time.

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